Dutch Bros sticker competition starts March 1st 2023

Broista Sticker Competition Top 10 Finalists!

March 1, 2023

Dutch Bros hosted its first ever Broista Sticker Competition! Broistas were given the opportunity to create a sticker that followed the theme “Bring the Heat”. Once submitted, the Dutch Bros HQ teams went through every submission (there were more than 290!!) and selected the top 10 designs. Now here's where our customers come in! March 1-7, you can vote for your fave sticker and the winning sticker will be the June sticker of the month! To learn more about the rad broistas whose designs were selected, keep reading!

Alona W.

Alona’s sticker design of an octopus was inspired by her love for animals. When she isn’t working, she loves creating art, especially painting and watercolor! Alona’s go-to drink is an iced caramel and white chocolate chai with almond milk topped with Soft Top and cinnamon sprinks.  

Moira C.

Moira’s design of a skeleton on a floaty was inspired by So-Cal and Warped Tour, specifically the bright colors, punk rock roots and the blistering heat. Graphic design is their first love, so when they aren’t working they love to sit down at their computer and throw together a design.

Ellie S.

Ellie created a sticker design featuring a flying bird with the sun in the background. It was inspired by a tropical vacation. Being from Texas and the high temperatures, she dreams of spending the summers in a tropical paradise! 

Alennie B.

Alennie is known as the “strawberry girl” at her shop which made for great inspiration when creating her design. Her sticker features a strawberry on a rubber duck floaty which she designed to vaguely look like a pepper for the theme as well! 

Tasha G.

Tasha’s design features a tiger on a skateboard to reflect the Dutch Bros spirit of relaxing, enjoying life, and having fun! Tasha’s go-to order is a Golden Eagle Chai or Breve. When she isn’t at work, you can find her either drawing or painting! Fun fact: in addition to being a broista, Tasha is also an art/tattoo apprentice!

Devin E.

Devin’s sticker features a sun skateboarding, which was inspired by his hobby of skateboarding in the summertime. He also used old school Dutch Bros stickers as inspiration! 

Shevon B.

Shevon was inspired by the memories with her family in the summer when it came to her sticker design- sitting on the porch outside, enjoying the cool atmosphere as the Arizona heat disappeared with the sunset. The feeling of finally cooling down after a hot day is represented by a raccoon laying on the ice cube!

Ryan H.

Ryan went with a design that felt like a pool party and was inspired by music - specifically Double Vision by 3OH3 and Starstud by Matt Wattson. His sticker features a flamingo on a floaty with a sun hat. Ryan’s personal fave drink is a blended white chocolate and salted caramel frost made with half oat milk, half chocolate milk, extra sweet and topped with sprinks!

Alyssa B.

Alyssa’s sticker design of a flamingo with sunglasses surrounded by palm trees was inspired by the tasty Pink Flamingo Rebel energy drink. Drawing and taking care of her pets takes up the rest of Alyssa's time when not at Dutch Bros!

Lexi S. 

Lexi has a love for disco balls and the way light bounces off of them that creates a beautiful effect on surrounding objects. This is the same feeling she gets during summer when everyone is happy and smiling because the sun is smiling back. “I figured I could combine the two concepts into a reminder to spread warmth and light, or in other words, radiate sunshine,” said Lexi.