Hands holding a tumbler with a sticker of a cat in front of it

A Drink To Match Your October Sticker

October 3, 2023

It’s officially the month for all things ~spooky~ and you can be sure Dutch Bros got the memo! Swing by your local Dutch Bros to grab your newest sticker and a drink to match. October is the start to a busy season and Dutch Bros is here to fuel you through it all - check below for drink recs if you want to switch things up! 👻

Cotton Candy Blended Rebel 🍬

Halloween means candy and sweets! To celebrate, grab a blue raspberry and white chocolate blended Rebel and get the sweet festivities started. 

Starry Night Rebel 🌟💫

The perfect drink to match the dark, ghostly October nights. A Dutch Bros Rebel with blackberry and blue raspberry flavors - all you need!

Vampire Slayer Rebel w/ Soft Top 🧛

Nothing says Halloween like a vampire, right?! Match that energy in your next Rebel by ordering a strawberry, pomegranate Rebel with Soft Top!

Astronaut Soda w/ whip 🧑‍🚀

Pick up a treat for your kiddo while getting some costume inspo! Dutch Bros Astronaut Soda features blackberry, raspberry and almond flavoring. Top it with whip and have the happiest little one in town!

White Zombie Freeze w/ Whip 🧟

The Halloween scaries are in full effect when October 1 rolls around. Dutch Bros Freeze with white chocolate and vanilla topped with whip is just the coffee you’ll need to get in the spirit!